Cliftonville, Margate
2015 - 2018
The building is located on Arthur Road in the Dalby Square conservation area of Cliftonville. Cliftonville is a dense, historic, urban area that extended Margate eastwards along the coast in the 19th century.
Arthur Road is one of a series of streets that extend from Northdown Road, the main road and shopping street, to the seafront. Arthur Road is lined predominately with late 19th and early 20th century terraced houses of various heights, mainly two and three storey terraced houses, with some four storey sections.
This project is one of four projects funded with significant assistance from the Dalby Square Townscape Heritage Initiative which we have worked on in close collaboration with Thanet District Council. The other projects are:
The aims of this project were to:
Conserve the original fabric and decorative features of the front facade and,
Reinstate features where inappropriate changes had been made; for example, the uPVC windows were replaced with high-performance timber-framed, double-glazed windows to closely match the details and appearance of the original.
Contractor: G & W Gardner
Site photographs by Studio Sam Causer
Historic Photo courtesy Margate Local History